تحریمهای فناوری در مغایرتی آشکار با حقوق بشر و دسترسی آزاد انسانها به اطلاعات است. تحریمهای گستردهی فناوری مشکلات زیادی برای مردم ایران ایجاد کرده است.
امضاکنندگان این کارزار، تحریمهای فناوری بهخصوص موارد زیر را محکوم میکنند:
- محدودیت کاربران و آیپیهای ایرانی در استفاده از خدمات عمومی سرویسهای بینالمللی، بهخصوص سرویسهای ابری
- محدودیتها در خرید اینترنت و اتصال شرکتهای ایرانی به شبکههای IXP بینالمللی
- تحریم شرکتهای زیرساختی ایرانی (Infrastructure Level)
- حذف ایران بهعنوان ملیت در فرمهای ثبتنام و ناممکن بودن ثبتنام با شماره تلفنهای ایران (۹۸+)
ما از شرکتهای بزرگ فناوری از جمله Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, HP, OpenAI, Oracle, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Cisco, Adobe, Figma, Sygic, Udemy و … که بخش یا تمام خدمات خود را به دلیل تحریمها به روی ایرانیها بستهاند، انتظار داریم با توجه به دستورالعمل جدید دولت آمریکا در می ۲۰۲۴ که مجوز عمومی D-۲ را به قانون تبدیل میکند، این تحریمها و محدودیتها را بردارند.
انجمن تجارت الکترونیک تهران
Opposition to technology sanctions against the Iranian people
Technology sanctions clearly contradict human rights and the principle of free access to information. These extensive sanctions have created numerous problems for the Iranian people. The signatories of this campaign condemn the following technology embargoes:
- Restrictions on user access and geo-blocking Iranians IPs to public and international services, particularly cloud services
- Restrictions on purchasing internet services and connecting Iranian companies to international IXP networks
- Sanctions against Iranian infrastructure companies
- The removal of Iran as a nationality option in registration forms, making it impossible to register with Iranian phone numbers (+98).
We, the undersigned, call on major technology companies—including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, HP, OpenAI, Oracle, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Cisco, Adobe, Figma, Sygic, Udemy, and others—that have limited or ceased their services to Iranians due to sanctions, to remove these restrictions. This request aligns with the new US federal order of May 2024, which enacts the D-2 General License into law.
Tehran ECommerce Association
Top 200 URLs requested by Iranian users:
According to the “403.online” website
# |
Name |
1 | Android Developers | https://developer.android.com |
2 | Visual Studio Installer | https://visualstudio.microsoft.com |
3 | Chat GPT | https://www.chat.openai.com |
4 | Coursera | https://www.coursera.org |
5 | Google cloud | https://cloud.google.com |
6 | Google Developers | https://developers.google.com |
7 | Firebase | https://firebase.google.com |
8 | Spotify DE | https://www.spotify.com |
9 | CentOS Repositories | https://mirror.centos.org |
10 | BootStrap | https://www.bootstrapcdn.com |
11 | CodeCanyon | https://codecanyon.net |
12 | Elsevier | https://www.elsevier.com |
13 | Google Lens | https://lens.google |
14 | Envato | https://www.envato.com |
15 | CloudEra | https://www.cloudera.com |
16 | GtMetrix | https://gtmetrix.com |
17 | Openai | https://www.openai.com |
18 | Google Analytics | https://analytics.google.com |
19 | JetBrains | https://www.jetbrains.com |
20 | Googleplay console | https://play.google.com/console/developer |
21 | Figma | https://www.figma.com |
22 | Clamav | https://www.clamav.net |
23 | Google Earth | https://earth.google.com |
24 | Bytes | https://bytes.com |
25 | Cadence | https://www.cadence.com |
26 | Docker | https://www.docker.com |
27 | BugSnag | https://www.bugsnag.com |
28 | Nvidia experience | https://www.nvidia.com |
29 | Microsoft Download | https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download |
30 | MathWorks | https://www.mathworks.com |
31 | Google Research | https://www.research.google.com |
32 | Adobe | https://adobe.com |
33 | Android Studio | https://developer.android.com/studio |
34 | ItPro | https://www.itpro.tv |
35 | HuggingFace | https://huggingface.co |
36 | MaxCDN | https://cp.maxcdn.com |
37 | Unity | https://unity.com |
38 | StudyTogether | https://www.studytogether.com |
39 | Freepik | https://www.freepik.com |
40 | MySQL | https://www.mysql.com |
41 | MyFonts | https://www.myfonts.com |
42 | Qualcomm | https://www.qualcomm.com |
43 | Zoom | https://zoom.us |
44 | Artstation | https://www.artstation.com |
45 | Udemy | https://www.udemy.com |
46 | Google services | https://code.earthengine.google.com |
47 | Kaggle | https://www.kaggle.com |
48 | Pearson | https://www.pearson.com |
49 | Google Remotedesktop | https://www.remotedesktop.google.com |
50 | Ubuntu | https://ubuntu.com |
51 | Gitlab | https://about.gitlab.com |
52 | InfoWorld | https://www.infoworld.com |
53 | Apple developer | https://developer.apple.com |
54 | Unreal Engine | https://www.unrealengine.com |
55 | Google Code | https://code.google.com |
56 | GoDoc | https://godoc.org |
57 | unsplash | https://unsplash.com |
58 | Elastic | https://www.elastic.co |
59 | Expo | https://expo.dev |
60 | Ebay | https://www.ebay.com |
61 | JitPack | https://jitpack.io |
62 | KhanAcademy | https://www.khanacademy.org |
63 | Krisp.ai | https://krisp.ai |
64 | Codeium | https://www.codeium.com |
65 | GraphicRiver | https://graphicriver.net |
66 | GoAnimate | https://goanimate.com |
67 | Google tag manager | https://tagmanager.google.com |
68 | Simple Note | https://simplenote.com |
69 | Realm | https://realm.io |
70 | Grafana | https://grafana.com |
71 | Melpa | https://melpa.org |
72 | Gradle | https://gradle.org |
73 | SpiceWorks | https://www.spiceworks.com |
74 | MouseFlow | https://mouseflow.com |
75 | Api Codeium | https://www.api.codeium.com |
76 | Virtual Box | https://www.virtualbox.org |
77 | Remini | https://www.remini.ai |
78 | PhpStorm | https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm |
79 | Tensorflow | https://www.tensorflow.org |
80 | Maven | https://maven.apache.org |
81 | inshot | https://inshot.cc |
82 | TeamViewer | https://www.teamviewer.com |
83 | PhotoDune | https://photodune.net |
84 | MatLabExpo | https://www.matlabexpo.com |
85 | GrAvatar | https://gravatar.com |
86 | DemandBase | https://www.demandbase.com |
87 | Java | https://www.java.com |
88 | NXP | https://www.nxp.com |
89 | Tenable | https://www.tenable.com |
90 | Flaticon | https://www.flaticon.com |
91 | Oracle | https://www.oracle.com |
92 | HP | https://www.hp.com/us-en/home.html |
93 | NetBeans | https://netbeans.apache.org |
94 | GrabCad | https://grabcad.com |
95 | Asus | https://www.asus.com/us |
96 | GSK | https://www.gsk.com |
97 | PerKins | https://www.perkins.com |
98 | Intel | https://www.intel.com |
99 | Vmware | https://www.vmware.com |
100 | SolarWinds | https://www.solarwinds.com |
101 | Cisco | https://www.cisco.com |
102 | Rstudio | https://www.rstudio.com |
103 | SketchFab | https://sketchfab.com |
104 | Mongodb | https://www.mongodb.com |
105 | TeamTreeHouse | https://teamtreehouse.com |
106 | HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com |
107 | Asus Rog | https://www.asus.com |
108 | MixPanel | https://mixpanel.com |
109 | Paessler | https://www.paessler.com/ |
110 | Renesas | https://www.renesas.com |
111 | MSC Software | https://mscsoftware.com |
112 | SourceForge | https://www.sourceforge.net |
113 | tinyjpg | https://tinyjpg.com |
114 | 3d Ocean | https://3docean.net |
115 | Amd Radeon | https://www.amd.com |
116 | RedHat | https://www.redhat.com/en |
117 | Trello | https://www.trello.com |
118 | Flurry | https://flurry.com |
119 | Themeforest | https://www.themeforest.net |
120 | MailGun | https://www.mailgun.com |
121 | ResellerClub | https://www.resellerclub.com |
122 | Lenovo | https://www.lenovo.com |
123 | Amazon Prime | https://www.amazon.com |
124 | Twilio | https://www.twilio.com |
125 | Training Sap | https://training.sap.com/ |
126 | Dribbble | https://www.dribbble.com |
127 | VideoHive | https://videohive.net |
128 | NuGet | https://www.nuget.org |
129 | Slack | https://api.slack.com |
130 | invisionapp | https://www.invisionapp.com |
131 | Ti | https://ti.com |
132 | NewRelic | https://newrelic.com |
133 | Turbo squid | https://www.turbosquid.com |
134 | Webex | https://www.webex.com |
135 | Mcafee | https://www.mcafee.com |
136 | simplilearn | https://www.simplilearn.com |
137 | IIS app platform | https://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx |
138 | Instructure | https://www.instructure.com |
139 | Sygic | https://www.sygic.com |
140 | Spring | https://spring.io |
141 | Analog | https://analog.com |
142 | GFI | https://www.gfi.com |
143 | Ansible | https://www.ansible.com |
144 | Sketch | https://sketch.com |
145 | IDT DNA | https://www.idtdna.com |
146 | SendGrid | https://sendgrid.com |
147 | seleniumhq | https://www.selenium.dev |
148 | salesforce | https://www.salesforce.com |
149 | Sartorius | https://www.sartorius.com |
150 | Jquery Code | https://www.jquery.com |
151 | Weebly | https://www.weebly.com |
152 | IBM | https://www.ibm.com |
153 | SigmaAldrich | https://www.sigmaaldrich.com |
154 | Pixel Squid | https://www.pixelsquid.com |
155 | PackAgist | https://packagist.org |
156 | Mbed | https://os.mbed.com |
157 | Data Camp | https://www.datacamp.com |
158 | OverLeaf | https://www.overleaf.com |
159 | ATI Radeon | https://ati.com |
160 | AcousticJava | https://acousticjava.com |
161 | Voicemod | https://www.voicemod.net |
162 | Arcgis Online | https://www.arcgis.com/home |
163 | Stripe | https://stripe.com |
164 | Toggl | https://toggl.com |
165 | Sophos | https://sophos.com |
166 | Apache | https://apache.org |
167 | Videvo | https://www.videvo.net |
168 | Atlassian | https://www.atlassian.com |
169 | Parsec | https://parsec.app |
170 | Vuforia | https://developer.vuforia.com |
171 | Audio Jungle | https://audiojungle.net |
172 | GCD API | https://cloud.google.com/api/datastorage |
173 | Schema | https://www.schema.org |
174 | burst shopify | https://burst.shopify.com |
175 | foodiesfeed | https://www.foodiesfeed.com |
176 | Veritas | https://www.veritas.com |
177 | ThermoFisher | https://www.thermofisher.com |
178 | Vagrantup | https://www.vagrantup.com |
179 | Bintray | https://bintray.com |
180 | Merck millipore | https://www.merckmillipore.com |
181 | Rjx hobby | https://www.rjxhobby.com |
182 | Epidemic Sound | https://www.epidemicsound.com |
183 | SyncFusion | https://www.syncfusion.com |
184 | MAAS | https://maas.io |
185 | BMC | https://bmc.com |
186 | BackTory | https://backtory.com |
187 | Warkiani Lab | https://www.warkianilab.com |
188 | artgrid | https://artgrid.io |
189 | artlist | https://artlist.io |
190 | analytics.moz | https://analytics.moz.com |
191 | miro | https://miro.com |
192 | openhub | https://www.openhub.net |
193 | Pagespeed | https://pagespeed.web.dev |
194 | redis | https://redis.io |
195 | wandb | https://wandb.ai |
196 | Click House | https://clickhouse.com |
197 | opensea | https://www.opensea.io |
198 | tutsplus | https://tutsplus.com |
199 | teachable | https://www.teachable.com/ |
200 | plotly | https://plotly.com |